Physical Examination
A complete physical examination includes inspection and palpation, assessment of range of motion and strength, and provocative shoulder testing for possible impingement syndrome and glenohumeral instability. The neck and the elbow should also be examined to exclude the possibility that the shoulder pain is referred from a pathologic condition in either of these regions.
The physical examination includes observing the way the patient moves and carries the shoulder. The patient should be properly disrobed to permit complete inspection of both shoulders. Swelling, asymmetry, muscle atrophy, scars, ecchymosis and any venous distention should be noted. Deformity, such as squaring of the shoulder that occurs with anterior dislocation, can immediately suggest a diagnosis. Scapular “winging,” which can be associated with shoulder instability and serratus anterior or trapezius dysfunction, should be noted. Atrophy of the supraspinatus or infraspinatus should prompt a further work-up for such conditions as rotator cuff tear, suprascapular nerve entrapment or neuropathy.
Palpation should include examination of the acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints, the cervical spine and the biceps tendon. The anterior glenohumeral joint, coracoid process, acromion and scapula should also be palpated for any tenderness and deformity.
Because the complex series of articulations of the shoulder allows a wide range of motion, the affected extremity should be compared with the unaffected side to determine the patient’s normal range. Active and passive ranges should be assessed. For example, a patient with loss of active motion alone is more likely to have weakness of the affected muscles than joint disease.
Shoulder abduction involves the glenohumeral joint and the scapulothoracic articulation. Glenohumeral motion can be isolated by holding the patient’s scapula with one hand while the patient abducts the arm. The first 20 to 30 degrees of abduction should not require scapulothoracic motion. With the arm internally rotated (palm down), abduction continues to 120 degrees. Beyond 120 degrees, full abduction is possible only when the humerus is externally rotated (palm up).
The Apley scratch test is another useful maneuver to assess shoulder range of motion (Figure 2). In this test, abduction and external rotation are measured by having the patient reach behind the head and touch the superior aspect of the opposite scapula. Conversely, internal rotation and adduction of the shoulder are tested by having the patient reach behind the back and touch the inferior aspect of the opposite scapula. External rotation should be measured with the patient’s arms at the side and elbows flexed to 90 degrees.
Apley scratch test. The patient attempts to touch the opposite scapula to test range of motion of the shoulder. (Left) Testing abduction and external rotation. (Right) Testing adduction and internal rotation.
In evaluating the rotator cuff, the patient’s affected extremity should always be compared with the unaffected side to detect subtle differences in strength and motion. A key finding, particularly with rotator cuff problems, is pain accompanied by weakness. True weakness should be distinguished from weakness that is due to pain. A patient with subacromial bursitis with a tear of the rotator cuff often has objective rotator cuff weakness caused by pain when the arm is positioned in the arc of impingement. Conversely, the patient will have normal strength if the arm is not tested in abduction.1
The supraspinatus can be tested by having the patient abduct the shoulders to 90 degrees in forward flexion with the thumbs pointing downward. The patient then attempts to elevate the arms against examiner resistance (Figure 3). This is often referred to as the “empty can” test.
Supraspinatus examination (“empty can” test). The patient attempts to elevate the arms against resistance while the elbows are extended, the arms are abducted and the thumbs are pointing downward.
Next, with the patient’s arms at the sides, the patient flexes both elbows to 90 degrees while the examiner provides resistance against external rotation (Figure 4). This maneuver is used to evaluate the function of the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, which are mainly responsible for external rotation.
Infraspinatus/teres minor examination. The patient attempts to externally rotate the arms against resistance while the arms are at the sides and the elbows are flexed to 90 degrees.
Subscapularis function is assessed with the lift-off test. The patient rests the dorsum of the hand on the back in the lumbar area. Inability to move the hand off the back by further internal rotation of the arm suggests injury to the subscapularis muscle.2 In one study, the investigators noted that only a few of the patients with confirmed subscapularis ruptures actually demonstrated a positive result on the lift-off test; the remainder could not complete the test because of pain.3
A modified version of the lift-off test is useful in a patient who cannot place the hand behind the back. In this version, the patient places the hand of the affected arm on the abdomen and resists the examiner’s attempts to externally rotate the arm.
Provocative Testing
Provocative tests provide a more focused evaluation for specific problems and are typically performed after the history and general examination have been completed (Table 2)
Tests Used in Shoulder Evaluation and Significance of Positive Findings
Apley scratch test |
Patient touches superior and inferior aspects of opposite scapula |
Loss of range of motion: rotator cuff problem |
Neer’s sign |
Arm in full flexion |
Subacromial impingement |
Hawkins’ test |
Forward flexion of the shoulder to 90 degrees and internal rotation |
Supraspinatus tendon impingement |
Drop-arm test |
Arm lowered slowly to waist |
Rotator cuff tear |
Cross-arm test |
Forward elevation to 90 degrees and active adduction |
Acromioclavicular joint arthritis |
Spurling’s test |
Spine extended with head rotated to affected shoulder while axially loaded |
Cervical nerve root disorder |
Apprehension test |
Anterior pressure on the humerus with external rotation |
Anterior glenohumeral instability |
Relocation test |
Posterior force on humerus while externally rotating the arm |
Anterior glenohumeral instability |
Sulcus sign |
Pulling downward on elbow or wrist |
Inferior glenohumeral instability |
Yergason test |
Elbow flexed to 90 degrees with forearm pronated |
Biceps tendon instability or tendonitis |
Speed’s maneuver |
Elbow flexed 20 to 30 degrees and forearm supinated |
Biceps tendon instability or tendonitis |
“Clunk” sign |
Rotation of loaded shoulder from extension to forward flexion |
Labral disorder |
Neer’s impingement sign is elicited when the patient’s rotator cuff tendons are pinched under the coracoacromial arch. The test4 is performed by placing the arm in forced flexion with the arm fully pronated (Figure 5). The scapula should be stabilized during the maneuver to prevent scapulothoracic motion. Pain with this maneuver is a sign of subacromial impingement.
Neer’s test for impingement of the rotator cuff tendons under the coracoacromial arch. The arm is fully pronated and placed in forced flexion.
The Hawkins’ test is another commonly performed assessment of impingement.5 It is performed by elevating the patient’s arm forward to 90 degrees while forcibly internally rotating the shoulder (Figure 6). Pain with this maneuver suggests subacromial impingement or rotator cuff tendonitis. One study6 found Hawkins’ test more sensitive for impingement than Neer’s test.
Hawkins’ test for subacromial impingement or rotator cuff tendonitis. The arm is forward elevated to 90 degrees, then forcibly internally rotated.
A possible rotator cuff tear can be evaluated with the drop-arm test. This test is performed by passively abducting the patient’s shoulder, then observing as the patient slowly lowers the arm to the waist. Often, the arm will drop to the side if the patient has a rotator cuff tear or supraspinatus dysfunction. The patient may be able to lower the arm slowly to 90 degrees (because this is a function mostly of the deltoid muscle) but will be unable to continue the maneuver as far as the waist.
Patients with acromioclavicular joint dysfunction often have shoulder pain that is mistaken for impingement syndrome. The cross-arm test isolates the acromioclavicular joint. The patient raises the affected arm to 90 degrees. Active adduction of the arm forces the acromion into the distal end of the clavicle (Figure 7). Pain in the area of the acromioclavicular joint suggests a disorder in this region.
Cross-arm test for acromioclavicular joint disorder. The patient elevates the affected arm to 90 degrees, then actively adducts it.
Instability Testing
The tests described in this section are useful in evaluating for glenohumeral joint stability. Because the shoulder is normally the most unstable joint in the body, it can demonstrate significant glenohumeral translation (motion). Again, the uninvolved extremity should be examined for comparison with the affected side.7,8
The anterior apprehension test is performed with the patient supine or seated and the shoulder in a neutral position at 90 degrees of abduction. The examiner applies slight anterior pressure to the humerus (too much force can dislocate the humerus) and externally rotates the arm (Figure 8). Pain or apprehension about the feeling of impending subluxation or dislocation indicates anterior glenohumeral instability.
Apprehension test for anterior instability. The patient’s arm is abducted to 90 degrees while the examiner externally rotates the arm and applies anterior pressure to the humerus.
The relocation test is performed immediately after a positive result on the anterior apprehension test. With the patient supine, the examiner applies posterior force on the proximal humerus while externally rotating the patient’s arm. A decrease in pain or apprehension suggests anterior glenohumeral instability.
Patients with rotator cuff tendonitis frequently have concomitant inflammation of the biceps tendon. The Yergason test is used to evaluate the biceps tendon.9 In this test, the patient’s elbow is flexed to 90 degrees with the thumb up. The examiner grasps the wrist, resisting attempts by the patient to actively supinate the arm and flex the elbow (Figure 9). Pain with this maneuver indicates biceps tendonitis.
Yergason test for biceps tendon instability or tendonitis. The patient’s elbow is flexed to 90 degrees, and the examiner resists the patient’s active attempts to supinate the arm and flex the elbow.
Speed’s maneuver is used to examine the proximal tendon of the long head of the biceps. The patient’s elbow is flexed 20 to 30 degrees with the forearm in supination and the arm in about 60 degrees of flexion. The examiner resists forward flexion of the arm while palpating the patient’s biceps tendon over the anterior aspect of the shoulder.
With the patient’s arm in a neutral position, the examiner pulls downward on the elbow or wrist while observing the shoulder area for a sulcus or depression lateral or inferior to the acromion. The presence of a depression indicates inferior translation of the humerus and suggests inferior glenohumeral instability (Figure 10). The examiner should remember that many asymptomatic patients, especially adolescents, normally have some degree of instability.10
Sulcus test for glenohumeral instability. Downward traction is applied to the humerus, and the examiner watches for a depression lateral or inferior to the acromion.
Posterior instability of the shoulder can be assessed by using a simple test.11 With the patient supine or sitting, the examiner pushes posteriorly on the humeral head with the patient’s arm in 90 degrees of abduction and the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion.
Glenoid labral tears are assessed with the patient supine. The patient’s arm is rotated and loaded (force applied) from extension through to forward flexion. A “clunk” sound or clicking sensation can indicate a labral tear even without instability.12
Cervical Disc Disease
No physical examination in a patient with shoulder pain is complete without excluding cervical spine disease. Referred or radicular pain from disc disease should be considered in patients who have shoulder pain that does not respond to conservative treatment. The patient should be questioned about neck pain and previous neck injury, and the examiner should note whether pain worsens with turning of the neck, which suggests disc disease. Pain that originates from the neck or radiates past the elbow is often associated with a neck disorder.
Plain film is a useful screening tool for degenerative cervical disc disease. Further work-up and imaging studies depend on the differential diagnosis and the treatment plan.
In a patient with neck pain or pain that radiates below the elbow, a useful maneuver to further evaluate the cervical spine is Spurling’s test. The patient’s cervical spine is placed in extension and the head rotated toward the affected shoulder. An axial load is then placed on the spine (Figure 11). Reproduction of the patient’s shoulder or arm pain indicates possible cervical nerve root compression and warrants further evaluation of the bony and soft tissue structures of the cervical spine.
Spurling’s test for cervical root disorder. The neck is extended and rotated toward the affected shoulder while an axial load is placed on the spine.
1. Miniaci A, Salonen D. Rotator cuff evaluation imaging and diagnosis. Orthop Clin North Am. 1997;28:43–58.
2. Gerber C, Krushell RJ. Isolated rupture of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle: clinical features in 16 cases. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1991;73B:389–94.
3. Deutsch A, Altchek DW, Veltri DM, Potter HG, Warren RF. Traumatic tears of the subscapularis tendon: clinical diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging findings, and operative treatment. Am J Sports Med. 1997;25:13–22.
4. Neer CS. Impingement lesions. Clin Orthop. 1983;173:70–77.
5. Hawkins RJ, Kennedy JC. Impingement syndrome in athletes. Am J Sports Med. 1980;8:151–7.
6. Bak K, Fauno P. Clinical findings in competitive swimmers with shoulder pain. Am J Sports Med. 1997;25:254–60.
7. Harryman DT, Sidles JA, Clark JM, McQuade KJ, Gibb TD, Matsen FA. Translation of the humeral head on the glenoid with passive glenohumeral motion. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1990;72:1334–43.
8. Harryman DT, Sidles JA, Harris SL, Matsen FA. Laxity at the normal glenohumeral joint: a quantitative in-vivo assessment. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 1992;1:66–76.
9. Yergason RM. Supination sign. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1931;13:160.
10. Emery RH, Mullaji AB. Glenohumeral joint instability in normal adolescents. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1991;73B:406–8.
11. O’Driscoll SW. A reliable and simple test for posterior instability of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1991;73B(suppl 1):50.
12. Glasgow SG, Bruce RA, Yacobucci GN, Torg JS. Arthroscopic resection of glenoid labral tears in the athlete: a report of 29 cases. Arthroscopy. 1992;8:48–54.
Taken from Am Fam Physician. 2000 May 15;61(10):3079-3088.