ACJ Reconstruction Rehab

AC Joint Reconstruction


  • Protect the surgical repair
  • Ensure wound healing
  • Prevent shoulder stiffness
  • Regain range of motion
  • Control pain and swelling

Phase I (1-5 days )


Broad arm sling worn continuously except in therapy or during exercise sessions until 4 weeks.


Scapular retractions

A/PROM of the elbow, wrist, and digits


Isometric grip strengthening

Modalities: PRN for pain & inflammation

Phase II (5 days – 4 weeks post-op.)

Edema: Edema control interventions

Sling: Ultrasling worn continuously except in therapy or during exercise sessions until 4 weeks.


Continue Phase I
Initiate shoulder pendulums avoiding horizontal add/abd swinging

Phase III (4 wks – 10 wks post-op.)

Wound: Monitor site / scar management techniques

Edema: Edema control interventions

Sling: D/C pillow on sling at 4 weeks. Sling continue to be worn outdoors or in public settings for an additional 2 weeks. D/C sling at 6 weeks post op.

Week 6


Begin PROM of the shoulder to flexion 90 degrees and abduction 90.
o PROM IR and ER: begin as tolerated in pain free range with arm at 0-45 degrees of abduction, progress to 90 degrees abduction at 8 weeks postop.
o Begin pulleys to 90 degrees of flexion only.
o Note: Restrict horizontal abduction and adduction of the shoulder.

o Isometric strengthening : IR, ER, abduction, extension and bicep/tricep.  No resisted shoulder flexion.


Week 7


A/AAROM may begin within the same range as allowed for PROM week 7 (flexion 90, abd 60).

A/AAROMIR/ER in neutral or 0 degrees of abduction.

Weeks 8-10

o Gradually progress to full painfree PROM
o Begin PROM IR /ER stretching at 90 degrees of abduction

o Gradually progress to full AROM

Begin light resisted shoulder flexion
Begin rhythmic stabilization exercises for the shoulder for flexion and extension avoiding resisted horizontal add and abd.
o IR/ER strengthening below 90 degrees of shoulder elevation.
o Initiate light isotonic resistance program.
o No shoulder press, benchpress, pectoral deck, pullovers, resisted horizontal abduction and adduction.

Phase IV (10 wks + post-op.)

Week 10

o Continue to progressive resisted strengthening for the shoulder.
o Initiate light benchpress and shoulder press with dumbbells (progress weight slowly).
o Initiate lat pulldowns and rows.
o Initiate strengthening of external and internal rotation at 90 degrees of abduction.

Week 12


Progress resistance exercise levels and stretching.
Progress to closed chain strengthening activities.
o Transition to weightroom strengthening and initiate interval sports program.

o Progress to Work Conditioning Program or Sports Specific Training.