Training post

Mr Watson completed a 12 month Shoulder and Upper Limb fellowship in Geelong, Victoria, under the guidance of Professor Richard Page. This included comprehensive arthroscopic and open treatment of a broad range of shoulder and elbow conditions. This was followed by a 6 month Trauma and Arthroplasty (Hip and Knee replacement) fellowship in Geelong, prior to moving to Canada.
In Toronto, Adam has completed a 12 month Sports and Arthroscopy fellowship, focusing on the knee and shoulder. This is part of the prestigious University of Toronto Orthopaedic Sports Medicine program, He has gained skills to treat complex and multiple ligament knee injuries and further enhanced his arthroscopic treatments of complicated shoulder pathology.
Adam spent a further year at the University of Calgary, doing a high volume fellowship in Complex Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. This included specific training in the Direct Anterior Approach (DAA) Hip replacement and complex revision (re-do) procedures.